Paste your text below to find out if your text is AI-generated or human-written with our advanced AI detection tool.
Insert your text for AI detection. We’ll show the analysis of every sentence here.
Use our free Humanizer to make your text more humanlike and bypass AI detection.
Get a detailed analysis of your text’s AI and human score.
Each sentence is tagged as human or AI, so you know which parts to edit.
Access and revisit your past scans anytime.
Easily check whether a piece of text is AI-generated or human-written.
Test your AI-written content to see whether it can pass off as humanlike.
Although Google says AI content is fine, it’s better to be safe. Ensure your content bypasses AI detection and improve your chances of ranking higher on Google.
Avoid stiff and robotic writing that drives people away. Publish engaging, humanlike content that resonates with human readers.
Ensure your deliverables are AI-free to align with client demands.
Protect your grades by making sure your assignments are free of AI traces.
With ten years of content writing expertise, we’ve engineered an AI text detector that excels at distinguishing human writing from AI output.
Our AI detection tool uses advanced NLP, deep learning, neural networks, and large language models (LLMs) to evaluate subtle language traits like sentence flow, grammar, tone, and phrasing for spot-on accuracy.
Our AI content detector is trained on huge datasets of human and AI text and uses advanced deep learning technology to detect intricate linguistic patterns, ensuring reliable AI detection.
While most AI detectors are easily tricked by simple formatting tweaks, our AI detection tool uses next-level algorithms to maintain accuracy, no matter the text’s layout.
Most AI detectors can only scan a limited amount of text, with an average of 5,000 - 10,000 characters. Our AI detection tool is capable of processing up to 50,000 characters in one go, perfect for in-depth content scanning.
Our AI detection tool examines each sentence within its broader context, helping it more accurately assess AI text.
By analyzing how sentences tie into overarching themes, our AI content detector excels at identifying even altered AI text.
Frustrated with endless AI detector checks?
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SurgeGraph Vertex
Train AI author personas to mimic your brand voice and produce humanlike content.
Our built-in humanization ensures your text dodges AI detection as it’s written, powered by a custom model.
Boost your content with fresh insights, credible facts, and more for standout, high-quality results.
“By far one of the best AI writing tools I have used. I have used many AI writing tools and most of them were disappointing. But SurgeGraph did wonders. The content SurgeGraph writes ranks!”
Taseen Alam Product Hunt